Sea goddess. Psamathe was the daughter of Nereus and Doris. She was the sister of the other Nereïds.
Psamathe was usually seen around her sister Thetis, because they were both linked to Aeacus and his son Peleus. Aeacus was her lover, and she became the mother of a son named Phocus. Aeacus ruled on the island of Aegina.
Aeacus' other sons, Peleus and Telamon, were jealous of their half-brother's prowess in athletic contests, so they murdered his son Phocus. Aeacus banished both of his sons for murder, and Psamathe's enmity towards Peleus lasted for years.
Her persecution of Peleus, instead of both Peleus and Telamon, suggested that Peleus was the real murderer of Phocus. Despite Telamon's claim to be innocent, Aeacus refused to listen to Telamon's plea, so Telamon stayed on a nearby island, Salamis.
While Peleus was living in Phthia, Psamathe would send wolves to ravage and kill Peleus' flocks of sheep. Eventually, Psamathe was reconciled with Peleus, because he would later marry Thetis. Psamathe turned the wolves to stone.

By Jimmy Joe