Goddess of discord and strife. Eris was daughter of Zeus and Hera, or else she was daughter of Nyx. She was often called the sister of Ares, the Greek god of war. She was known to the Romans as Discordia.
Eris was mother of Ate (god of discord and folly) by Zeus. Eris was also the mother of Horkos ("false oath"). The Theogony also said that Strife (Eris) bore a number of unpleasant children: Battles, Disputes, Famine, Fighting, Forgetfulness, Lawlessness, Lying Words, Manslaughters, Murders, Quarrels, Ruin, Sorrows and Toil.
Eris was mainly a personification of strife, though she was one of those who caused the Trojan War.
Since her disruptive nature was to cause strife, even among the gods, she was not invited to the wedding of the hero Peleus and the sea-goddess Thetis. In revenge, Eris threw a golden apple among the wedding guests which had the inscription: "To the Fairest". Only three powerful goddesses dared to claim to be the fairest: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
This led to Zeus ordering them to be sent to a Trojan prince named Paris, to judge the dispute. Paris foolishly awarded the apple to Aphrodite, who had promised him the fairest mortal to be his wife (Helen).
This event was known as the Judgement of Paris. The outcome led to war between the Greeks and the Trojans, and ultimately led to fall of Troy. (See Trojan War)
Related Information
Eris, Ἔρις – "Discord" or "Strife".
Discordia (Roman).
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By Jimmy Joe