God of healing. Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός) was the son of Apollo and Coronis, daughter of Phylegyas, king of Thessaly. The Romans called him Aesculapius.
Asclepius married Epione, the daughter of Merops. Asclepius was the father of two sons, Machaon and Podalirius, who were suitors of Helen, and brought 30 ships to Troy from Tricce and Oechalia. They were known more for their skills as physicians than their fighting abilities.
Asclepius also had many daughters – Acesis (remedy), Aegle, Iaso (Cure), Hygeia or Hygieia (health), Janiscus and Panacea (all-healing).
His ability to cure any disease and even bring someone back to life, proved to be his undoing. Zeus killed him with his thunderbolt. Apollo avenged his death by killing one of the Cyclopes who made Zeus' thunderbolt. Enraged by his son's action, Zeus sent Apollo to serve as a slave of Admetus, king of Pherae, for one year.
Despite killing Asclepius, Zeus placed his staff in the sky as the constellation Ophiuchus – "Serpent-holder". His symbol was the serpent, which was usually seen entwined around his staff.

By Jimmy Joe