One day, while Loki was flying through the wood in the form of a falcon, he was captured by the frost-giant named Geirrod. Geirrod confined Loki within a chest for three months, almost starving Loki to death. Geirrod refused to release Loki until his prisoner agreed to persuade Thor to come to his domain.
Thor unsuspectingly agreed to go to Geirrod's court without Mjollnir, his girdle of might which was called Megingjord, and a pair of iron gauntlets called Járngreipr.
Fortunately, they spent the night in the home of a friendly giantess named Grid. Grid told Thor that Geirrod intended to kill him. Grid gave Thor her unbreakable magic staff, her own girdle of might and a pair of iron gloves.
Thor and Loki tried to cross the river of Vimur. The water kept rising. Loki was hanging from Thor's girdle of might. Thor realised that a giantess named Gialp, daughter of Geirrod, was causing the river to rise. Thor threw a rock at Gialp to stem the river flow. Reaching the riverbank, Thor pulled himself out of the water using a rowan bush.
Thor and Loki arrived at Geirrod's home. They were taken to a chamber with only a single chair. Thor sat on this chair. Suddenly he felt the chair rising up toward the roof. Thor would have been crushed to death between the chair and roof, but Thor quickly put Grid's staff on the rafter, before pushing hard against the rafter. Thor heard a couple of loud cracks before he heard scream of agony. Looking down under his seat, Thor saw Gialp and Greip, the two daughters with their backs broken.
Geirrod arrived at the other side of the chamber. Geirrod picked up a glowing molten iron out of a fire, with tongs. Geirrod threw the iron at Thor with all his might, but Thor easily caught the molten iron with an iron glove (Járngreipr) that Grid had given him. Geirrod ran and hid behind the iron pillar for protection. Thor threw the molten iron back at Geirrod. The molten iron punctured through the iron pillar and hit Geirrod, killing the giant.

By Jimmy Joe