Tyre (modern Sur) was a principal coastal city of southern Phoenicia. The Greeks often confused Tyre with Sidon, its northern neighbour. Sidon was a colony of Tyre. Its city was built on the island and the mainland. Like Byblus, it was famous for its exports of timber to Egypt. Later, it became the more dominant of the Phoenician cities.
Tyre was possibly the home of Cadmus and Europa. It was also the home of Dido. When her brother Pygmalion, king of Tyre, murdered her husband, Dido fled west and migrated to northern Africa, where she founded the city of Carthage. In Carthage, Dido would later meet Aeneas, a Trojan prince, who fled from Troy after it was sacked.
Related Information
Tyre, Τύρος;
Sur (modern).
Agenor(?), Pygmalion.

By Jimmy Joe