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Dodona was a city in Epeirus. The city was famous for its forest of oak trees that had oracular power. Oracles were gained through interpretations ...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Ambracia was a city of the region also called Ambracia. Ambracia was the major port in the Ambracian Gulf.

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Ephyra (Ephyre) was the principal city of Thesprotia, a region in southern Epeirus. Neoptolemus became the king of Ephyra after the Trojan War. Neo...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Also called Epirus. Epeirus was the coastal region of Greece, stretching from the Ambracian Gulf in the south to the north in southern Albania. Epe...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Trachis (Τραχις) was the capital of Malis or Trachinia. Ceÿx was ruling Trachis when Heracles made it his home with his wife Deïaneira and his fami...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Larisa (Larissa) was a Thessalian city on the river Peneius. It was the home of the Lapiths under its king, Peirithoüs , companion of Theseus. See ...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Phylace was a Thessalian city west of the Pagasaean Gulf. Phylacus, son of the Aeolid Deïon and Diomede, founded Phylace and named the city after h...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Pherae was a city of Thessaly, north of Iolcus and Pagasae. Pheres, son of Cretheus and Tyro, founded the city and named it after himself. Pheres h...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Pagasae was the only port in Thessaly. It was situated at the head of the Pagasaean (Thessalian) Gulf, near Iolcus. The Argonauts who sailed on the...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Iolcus was a city on the shores of the Pagasaean Gulf, near the port-city of Pagasae. It is now called Volos. Cretheus , son of Aeolus, founded Iol...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Phthia was the capital of Phthiotis, a region on the west shore of the Pagasaean (Thessalian) Gulf. Phthiotis was sometimes called Achaea. Deucalio...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Thessaly occupied a large region of north-eastern Greece. Neighbouring regions were Epeirus in the east, Aetolia and Phocis in the south, and Maced...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe
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