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An island in the Ionian Sea, east of the larger, neighbouring island of Cephallenia. It was the home and kingdom of Laërtes and his son Odysseus. I...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Scherië was the home of the Phaeacians. Scherië was name given by earlier writers, while Apollonius Rhodius had called the island Drepane. Most sch...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Ionian Islands

The Ionian Islands are located on the western side of Greece, in the Ionian Sea. Only three islands had mythological importance, especially Ithaca,...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Icaria was an island in the Aegean Sea, west of Samos. Icaria was mostly known for being the island named after Icarius , son of Daedalus . Daedalu...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Samos was an island off the western coast of Asia Minor between Ephesus and Miletus. It was named after Samia, daughter of the river-god Maeander. ...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Chios is a large island, located west of Ionia, Asia Minor. In the Homeric Hymn to the Delian Apollo, Chios was described as being a rocky island. ...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Lesbos was a large island in the Aegean Sea, off the western coast of Mysia, Asia Minor. The only mythological tale I could find that was associate...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


The island was formerly named Leucophrys, and was renamed to Tenedos by Tenes. Tenes was a son of Cycnus and Procleia, but it was said that his rea...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Lemnos was a large island in the Thracian Sea (northern Aegean). The island was famous in Greek myth because the Lemnian women ruled the island. At...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Samothrace was one of the islands in the Thracian Sea (northern Aegean), north of Lemnos and Imbros. The island was inhabited by the Thracians and ...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Northern Aegean

The Northern Aegean islands are north and northeast of the Aegean, comprising of a number of large islands west of Asia Minor and south of Thrace.

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Scyrus (Skyrus) was an Aegean island northeast of Euboea. Scyrus was famous because its king, Lycomedes, was host to the aging hero Theseus . These...

Jimmy Joe
August 8th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe
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