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Teucer & Dardanus

Teucer (Τεὓκρος) was the son of the river-god Scamander and Idaea, a nymph of Mount Ida. He was the first king of Troad. Not much else is known abo...

Jimmy Joe
May 10th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Two Ruling Houses

Tros (Τρώς) succeeded his father Erichthonius to the throne. He gave his name to the land (Troad) and to the people living in the Troad (Trojans). ...

Jimmy Joe
May 10th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

House of Troy

Troy, also known as Ilium , was a Phrgyian city on the Troad. Troy was a great city, wealthy and powerful, second to none on earth. It was situated...

Jimmy Joe
May 10th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Argos after the Trojan War

Diomedes , a son of Tydeus, was captain of the Argives forces at Troy and brought eighty ships with him from Argos, Tiryns, Epidaurus and Troezen. ...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


The descendants of Megapenthes (son of Proëtus), Bias and Melampus, participated the famous but unsuccessful war against Thebes (see Seven Against ...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

The Aeolids in Argos

At first, Proëtus (Προιτος) ruled in his kingdom at Tiryns, when his twin brother was still ruling in the city of Argos. Proëtus and Acrisius were ...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Perseus' son Electryon ruled Mycenae until he was probably killed accidentally by his nephew and son-in-law, Amphitryon. Sthenelus took the throne ...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Perseus and his Children

Acrisius (Acrisios, Ἀκρίσιοσ) consulted the oracle from Delphi about having a son; instead the oracle warned him that his grandson would kill him o...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe

Acrisius and Proëtus

Lynceus' son, Abas, succeeded Lynceus. It was written that Abas was a mighty warrior, but there is no mythology of his own to tell us what heroic d...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Danaüs (Danaus or Danaos) was the son of Belus (Belos, Βἣλος), king of Egypt, and Anchinoë (Anchinous), daughter of the river-god Nile. He had a tw...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


So Argus (Ἄργος) succeeded his uncle (Apis). Argus was a son of Zeus and Niobe, who was Apis' sister. Argus became the new king of Phoronea, and he...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


The river-god, Inachus (Ἴναχος), was the son of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys . Inachus was the first inhabitant of Argolis. The Inachus River flow...

Jimmy Joe
April 24th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe
81 of 134 pages