According to the Celtic myths, the Celtic deities or the fairy people lived in the domain that was generally called the "Otherworld". This domain was hidden from mortal eyes.
In Irish myths, the Otherworld could be islands, hostel, or dun (hill-fort). Sometimes the Otherworld was called the Sidhe, the fairy hill-fort (dun) or palace.
In the Welsh myths, the Otherworld was often called Annwfn or Annwyn, and the fort or castle was usually known as Caer.
To read more about the Otherworld, please read the new page called Celtic World and Cultures.
In Timeless Myths, the Otherworld contains information about Celtic gods and goddesses. Deities from Irish myths were more generally well known than those in Britain, Wales and Gaul (France and northern Italy). The Irish deities can be found under the choice labelled Tuatha Dé Danann.
I have also included brief descriptions of Welsh deities, and those of ancient Gallic and British deities. Note that though the Irish and Welsh deities have similar names, their myths are different (their names are spelt differently as well).
The earliest known deities in the Celtic world were recorded by Classical writers during the period of the Roman Empire. These writers tried to describe the gods and religions found in Gaul and Britain. See the Gallic Deities and the British Deities.

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To read more about the Otherworld, you should go to Celtic World & Cultures. This also contains the Celtic Calendar.
Other useful information includes:

By Jimmy Joe