
137 Stories

Tiamat: The Primordial Sea Goddess Who Died From Her Own Vengeance

Tiamat was a goddess of the sea who existed at the beginning of time. Her husband was Apsu, the god of underground freshwater, with whom she create...

Timeless Myths
March 7th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Egyptian Astrology: Are You Amun-Ra, Anubis or Osiris?

Egyptian astrology combines the characteristics of the gods and goddesses with that of people through the alignment of different stars in the sky a...

Timeless Myths
March 8th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Khonsu: The God of the Moon and Protector of Night Travelers

Khonsu was the Egyptian god of the moon whose responsibilities included lighting the sky at night and keeping night travelers safe. His adherents i...

Timeless Myths
March 8th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Maat: The Goddess Who Oversaw the Everyday Life of Ancient Egyptians

Maat was both a goddess and an abstract idea which governed ancient Egyptian society. As a goddess, she enforced truth, justice and order. As an id...

Timeless Myths
March 8th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Sekhmet: The Goddess of War and Guardian of the Pharaohs of Egypt

Sekhmet was a deity who was in charge of war and victory in ancient Egypt. Also known as Sakhmet, the goddess was known to be responsible for disea...

Timeless Myths
March 8th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Ninhursag: How the Deity of Malgum Became the Mother Goddess of Sumer

Ninhursag was a deity in the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon who began as a city goddess. Slowly, she rose through the ranks to attain the enviable p...

Timeless Myths
March 9th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Are Fairies Evil? The European Folklore Explains

Are fairies evil? To say the least and according to popular folklore, fairies are evil. The answer to this question is probably not what you expect...

Timeless Myths
April 3rd, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Goddess of Fairies: The Queen and the Caregiver of Fairies

There are various goddesses of fairies since the fairies and their religion are very different from that of humans. The religion of fairies is very...

Timeless Myths
April 3rd, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Why Do Tooth Fairies Collect Teeth and What Are They Used To Make?

Why do tooth fairies collect teeth? It is a common question asked around the world. The tooth fairy and her adventures are very famous around the w...

Timeless Myths
April 3rd, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Why Is Oedipus a Tragic Hero? An Analysis of Oedipus’s Character

Oedipus’ tragic flaw , his great leadership qualities, and the punishment he suffers are some of the most discussed themes in literature. In this a...

Timeless Myths
April 3rd, 2022
By Timeless Myths

How Tall Are Fairies? The Reasons Behind Increased Growth

Fairies are supernatural creatures that have the same height as humans . These semi-humanoids are world-famous for their abilities and charm. Howev...

Timeless Myths
April 4th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

What Do Fairies Eat And Who Gives Them Food

The question regarding what fairies eat is an interesting one to ask because of how different the fairy folk are from us. These creatures have been...

Timeless Myths
April 4th, 2022
By Timeless Myths
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