
43 Stories

Waqf: The Honorable Practice of Donation in the Islamic Religion

Waqf, or the religious endowment, has been a central part of Islam since the times of the Prophet Muhammed . Believers affirm that this practice ha...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

The Yazidi Religion: History, People and Origin

The Yazidi religion, also spelled as Yezidi , is a monotheistic religion that originated in Northern Iraq. While often misunderstood because of its...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Yemeni Religion: How They Shaped the Country We Know Now

Yemeni religion has shaped the country’s culture and traditions in more ways than one. After many crusades and wars, Yemen stood firm to its roots ...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Zawiya | Islamic Schools for Better Citizenry

Zawiyas were formed around the world because Islamic tradition takes education very seriously. Part places of worship, part Islamic educational ins...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Similarities Between Horus and Jesus: Controversial Likeness

Horus and Jesus similarities are definitely a mind-blowing controversy if you will read the story about each of these individuals. They were respec...

Timeless Myths
March 18th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

10 Plagues of Egypt: Power of God Over Pharaoh and Egypt

The 10 Plagues of Egypt were the disasters inflicted by God on Egypt for not following His command to free the Israelites. These were also the cons...

Timeless Myths
April 26th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Anunnaki Bible: The Ancient Source of Magic and Long Life

The Anunnaki Bible is a collection of ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. Among many other things, this compilation contains the ancient sources of...

Timeless Myths
May 14th, 2022
By Timeless Myths
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