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435 Stories

Sunni Islam and Shia: The Ancient Schism. What’s the Difference?

Between 85 and 90 percent of the world’s Muslims follow Sunni Islam . It is the largest branch of that religion by far. The Arabic language refers ...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Salafism: Living Islam Between Conservatorism and Contemporaneity

Salafism is considered the most conservative sect of Islam, with Saudi Arabia being the most prominent Salafi country. While Salafism in the 21st c...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Iraqi Culture: From People to Practices

Modern-day Iraqi culture reflects its Mesopotamian roots as the world’s oldest advanced civilization. The population of Iraq practices a wide array...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

History of Algeria: The Transit Region of Europe and the Middle East

The history of Algeria can be tracked down to the time of Numidia or the army that rode horses. You may recall that they were called cavalry and th...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Algeria: A History of Struggle and Independence

The state of Algeria is a relatively modern creation. It has a long history that connects the Ottoman Turks and the French empire. In this article,...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Ahmed Ben Balla: Icon of Algerian Independence

Historians will tell you everything you need to know about Algeria’s first leader after its independence from French colonial rule, Ahmed Ben Balla...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Iran's Religion: What Does a Shia Muslim Country Look Like?

Iran's religion is quite unique, considered that it is the only country in the world where Shia Islam is the official religion. Many Iranians have ...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Palestine's History: A Country on the Crossroads of Faith

Palestine's history unveils an incredibly turbulent part of the historical and political side of the Middle East. Marked by perennial invasions and...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Zaidi: A Look Into Its Meaning & Origins

Zaidi is a sect commonly found in Yemen. They have a unique set of beliefs that makes them the closest Shiite sect to Sunnis in terms of theology. ...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Why Did the Phoenicians Establish Carthage and How Did Carthage Grow?

The Phoenicians established Carthage to serve as a trading post on the western Mediterranean. The strategic location of Carthage meant that all maj...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

Tunisia History: The Land of Emperors, Saints, and Mystics

Tunisia's history is long and rich, owing to the fact that the territory of modern-day Tunisia was home to many diverse cultures. The recorded hist...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths

The Crusaders: Causes and Goals of the Medieval Holy Wars

The crusaders were at the forefront of the holy wars in medieval times. To become a crusader, one had to take a vow, proposed by Pope Urban II on a...

Timeless Myths
January 11th, 2022
By Timeless Myths
13 of 37 pages