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1598 Articles

Creusa and Ion

Xuthus was the son of Hellen and Orseïs (Orseis). Xuthus became the king of Iolcus. Xuthus was the father of Diomede, who married Deion, the son of...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


After the Deluge , Pyrrha bore Deucalion, king of Phthia, in Thessaly, five children: Hellen (Ἕλλην), Amphictyon, Protogeneia, Pandora and Thyia. A...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Idomeneus (Ἰδομενεές) was a son of Deucalion . He was also the brother of Crete and the half-brother of Molus. Idomeneus was the nephew of Catreus ...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe


Crete was divided between Minos two sons, Catreus (Κατρεύς) and Deucalion (Δευκαλίων). Deucalion was the father of Idomeneus and a daughter named C...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Polyeidus and Glaucus

Minos had a young son named Glaucus (Glaucos or Γλαὓκος) who fell into a large jar of honey. Minos told an Argive seer named Polyeidus (Polyidos or...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Nisus and Scylla

During Minos' campaign against Athens, the Cretan army attacked Megara, a kingdom in the Corinthian Isthmus that was allied with Athens. At the tim...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Pasiphaë and the Minotaur

Minos married Pasiphaë (Πασιφάη), the daughter of the sun-god Helios and the Oceanid Perse . Minos was the father of four sons, Androgeus, Catreus ...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Minos and his Brothers

Minos (Μίνως) was a son of the god Zeus and Europa , the daughter of King Agenor of Sidon. Minos was also the brother of Rhadamanthys (´Ραδάμανθυν)...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Minoan Crete

Early Crete Minos Crete in Decline Genealogy: House of Crete Early Crete Genealogy: House of Crete Minos In Greek mythology, Minos (Μίνως) was the ...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe

Abduction of Europa

In Phoenicia, Agenor ruled in the city of Sidon (sometimes it was Tyre). Agenor was the son of the sea-god Poseidon and Libya. Agenor was also a br...

Timeless Myths
March 4th, 2024
By Timeless Myths


Tectamus was the son of Dorus, son of Hellen . Tectamus married his niece, the daughter of Cretheus, king of Iolcus in Thessaly. Tectamus became th...

Jimmy Joe
September 22nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe


This article will cover who Hathor is in Egyptian mythology. You will also learn more about her history and the myths and legends behind her name. ...

Jimmy Joe
April 2nd, 2002
By Jimmy Joe
47 of 134 pages