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Nestor (Νέστωρ) was the youngest son of Neleus and Chloris, daughter of Amphion . He was the brother of Pero , Periclymenus , and ten other brother...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Neleus (Νηλεύς) was the son of Tyro and Poseidon, and the twin brother of Pelias . When Pelias drove him from Iolcus, Neleus migrated south, where ...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Aphareus was the son of Perieres and Gorgophone, the daughter of Perseus . Aphareus was the brother of Leucippus. Aphareus married his cousin Arene...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Perieres (Περιήρης) was the son of Aeolus and Enarete. He was the brother of Cretheus , Athamas , Sisyphus and Salmoneus . At the death of Polycaon...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


King of Ephyra (Corinth). Glaucus (Glaucos, Γλαύκος) was the son of Sisyphus and Merope, daughter of Atlas and Pleione (one of the Pleiades). Glauc...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Sisyphus (Σίσυφος) was the king of Ephyra (Corinth). Sisyphus was the son of Aeolus and Enarete. He was the brother of Cretheus , Athamas , Periere...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


King of Orchomenus. Athamas (Ἀθάμας) was the son of Aeolus and Enarete. The goddess Hera arranged Athamas' first marriage to Nephele (Νεφέλη), who ...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Argonaut. Acastus was the son of Pelias and Anaxibia or Phylomachus. Acastus joined his cousin Jason in the quest for the golden fleece. When Medea...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


King of Iolcus. Pelias (Πελιάς) was the son of Tyro and Poseidon. Pelias was the twin brother of Neleus . Pelias incurred Hera's enmity when he mur...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


King of Salmonia, in Elis, Salmoneus (Σαλμωνεύς) was the father of Tyro (Τυρώ) by Alicidice, daughter of Aleüs (Aleus), king of Arcadia. Not long a...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Heroine of two lost plays of Euripides. Melanippe (Μελανίππη) was the daughter of Aeolus , king of Thessaly, and of Hippo, daughter of the Centaur ...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe


Aeolus (Αἴολος) became a ruler in Thessaly after his father. Aeolus married Enarete (Ἐναρετη), daughter of Deïmacus (Deimacus), who bore him sons w...

Jimmy Joe
April 27th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe
46 of 134 pages