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House of Athens

Athens was the principal city of the region of Attica. The city was dominated by the citadel on top of the hill called the Acropolis. Athens would ...

Jimmy Joe
January 13th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Andraimon was the husband of Gorge, the daughter of Oeneus and Althaea . Andraimon was the father of Thoas (Θόας). Andraimon received the kingdom o...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Oeneus (Oineus or Οἰνεύς) was the most famous king in Calydon and Aetolia, mostly because his two sons were great heroes, and the most famous boar ...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Aetolus' reign in Elis was also short. Aetolus (Αἰτωλός) participated in the funeral games of Azan. In a chariot race, Aetolus accidentally ran ove...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Augeias (Αὐγείας), the son of Phorbas, the Lapith chieftain, and of Hyrmina, the daughter of Epeius . Augeias was also called the son of the sea go...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe

Epeius and Eleius

Epeius Eleius Epeius Epeius (Ἐπειός) was the son of Endymion , and the brother of Aetolus and Paeon. Epeius also had a sister named Eurycyda. When ...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Endymion was the son of Aëthlius (Aethlius) and Calyce. Endymion became king after his father's death. Endymion was the father of Aetolus , Epeius ...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Aëthlius (Aethlius) was the earliest known ruler of the region and city of Elis. Aëthlius was the son of Aeolus and Protogeneia. However, not much ...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe

House of Elis & Calydon

The House of Elis and the House of Calydon belonged to the Aeolids . The Aeolids were descendants of Aeolus , a king from Thessaly. The Aeolids est...

Jimmy Joe
May 12th, 2001
By Jimmy Joe


Pholus was one of the few Centaurs who was friendly towards mortals. Pholus was a friend of Heracles . Pholus lived in a cave at Mount Pholus, whic...

Jimmy Joe
January 11th, 2006
By Jimmy Joe


A Centaur. Nessus was one of the Centaurs who fought against the Lapiths, at the wedding of Peirithous and Hippodameia . When the Lapiths drove the...

Jimmy Joe
January 11th, 2006
By Jimmy Joe


A Centaur. Eurytion or Eurytus was one of the Centaurs involved in disrupting and fighting the Lapiths, at the wedding of Peirithous and Hippodamei...

Jimmy Joe
January 11th, 2006
By Jimmy Joe
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