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A chief druid of Ulster. Barach served as chief druid to Conchobar Mac Nessa in the later part of the king's life. It was Barach who interpreted th...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Cathbad was the Ard-Druid ("high druid") of Ulaid (Ulster). Cathbad married Maga, former wife of Ross the Red , king of Ulster. Cathbad was the fat...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Caicer was a druid of the Milesians who foretold that the Milesians would one day live in Ireland. Caicer was listed as one of the chieftains who s...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe

Bé Chuille & Dianann

Druidesses or sorceresses. Bé Chuille and Dianann were daughters of the woodland goddess Flidais . They were sisters of Bé Téite, and possibly of F...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Birog was a druidess of the Tuatha Dé Danann and friend of Cian . Birog assisted Cian with the entry to Balor's tower, where Cian seduced Eithne, t...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Chief druid of Manannán Mac Lir . Gebann was the father of a daughter named Clídna. Gebann was sometimes said to also be the father of Étaín .

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe

Druids of Danu

According to the Irish myths, the Tuatha Dé Danann came from four cities: Falias, Gorias, Finias and Murias. In each city, there was a wizard-bard ...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Nemedian chieftain. Iarbonél was known as the Soothsayer or the Prophet. Though strangely enough, he never uttered a single prophecy in the Lebor G...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Druids in Ancient Europe Druidical Order Druidic Beliefs Druidic Magic Misconceptions about Druidism Druids in Ancient Europe Most of what we know ...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


In Celtic society in the ancient world, the tribal communities were divided into various classes. Above the common people such as the peasants and ...

Jimmy Joe
May 13th, 2003
By Jimmy Joe


Introduction Difference Between Old and New Post Vulgate Cycle Le Morte d'Arthur Introduction During the twelfth and thirteenth century, several Fr...

Jimmy Joe
April 2nd, 2000
By Jimmy Joe

Conan Mac Lia

Conan (Mac Lia) was the son of Lia (treasurer of Clan Morna). On a number of occasions, Conan Mac Lia tried to avenge his father's death, but he wa...

Jimmy Joe
November 25th, 1999
By Jimmy Joe
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