Cathbad was the Ard-Druid ("high druid") of Ulaid (Ulster). Cathbad married Maga, former wife of Ross the Red, king of Ulster. Cathbad was the father of three daughters – Deichtine, Elbha (Elva) and Findchaem (Finchoom).
Deichtine was married to Sualtam, but was the mother of Cu Chulainn (Setanta) by Lugh Lamfada, a Danann sun god. Findchaem was married to Amorigin, and was the mother of Conall Cernall. Elva married Usna, and became the mother of three sons – Noísi (Noisi), Ainhé (Ainhe) and Ardan. All of his grandsons played important roles in the Ulaid Cycle.
Cathbad also had two foster-sons named Crom Deroil and Crom Darail, and they appeared as druids of Ailill and Medb in Mesa Ulad ("The Intoxication of the Ulstermen").
Cathbad was the chief adviser of Conchobar. Cathbad was also a seer who made several predictions that were fulfilled. Cathbad foretold that the beauty of Deirdre would be the cause of destruction to Ulster, if she were to marry a king. Conchobar foolishly thought that Cathbad referred to kings of the other provinces or the high king himself. Conchobar decided to marry her, when she reached the right age. It was Cathbad's own magic which captured Deirdre and his grandsons, the sons of Usna.
Cathbad also prophesied that the greatest hero (Cu Chulainn) in Ireland would have a very short, but glorious life.
Related Information
Cathbad, Cathbhadh, Cabadius.
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Conchobar Mac Nessa, Deichtine, Cu Chulainn, Conall Cernall, Deirdre, Noísi, Ross the Red, Lugh Lamfada.
House of the Red Branch (Ulaid)

By Jimmy Joe