Fianna was a warrior band which was established to protect the high king of Ireland and the kingdom. It was generally called Fianna Éireann.
Conn Cétchathach was the high king of Ireland who established the Fianna. The Fianna was comprised of many clans, but only two clans were dominant for the supreme leadership – Clan Baiscne of Leinster and Clan Morna of Connacht. The Fianna was under the leadership of the Fianna captain known as rígfhéinnid (righfhéinnidh or fiannuigeach). Sometimes the Fianna captain was called a king.
The two clans became rival factions during the leadership of Cumhaill, a chieftain of Clan Baiscne, and he was killed in a clan war against the Clan Morna. Goll, chieftain of Clan Morna, ruled the Fianna until Finn, the son of Cumhaill, was awarded the captaincy by the high king, Cormac Mac Airt, who was the son of Art and grandson of Conn Cétchathach. During the reign of Cormac Mac Airt and the leadership of Finn Mac Cumhaill, the power of the Fianna reached new heights.
Apart from the Baiscne and Morna clans, the Bruidhean Chaorthainn ("Hostel of the Rowan Trees") mentioned two other clans – the Mican-Smoil and Clan O'Navnan (Navin or Nemnann). There was also Clan Ronain (which the hero Caílte come from), and clans from Leinster, Ulster and Munster. In the tale, the Death of Finn, it also mentioned the fian of Dubh-dithribh and Dubh da bhoirenn.
During the reign of Caribe, however, the king became jealous of the power of the Fianna. Caribe sought its destruction. The two rival clans again opposed one another. Finn Mac Cumhaill and Clan Baiscne were defeated.
The war-cry of the Fianna was Dord Fian, and the warriors were summoned by borabu, the horn of the Fianna.

Clan Baiscne
Clan Morna
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By Jimmy Joe