Lleu was associated with Irish god Lugh (or Lugus in Gallic), since he was known as Lleu Llaw Gyffes ("Lleu of the Dexterous Hand"). Apart from the similarity in name, the tales of Lleu and Lugh were totally different.
Lleu and his brother Dylan were the sons of the virgin goddess Aranrhod. She gave birth to them immediately after she stepped over the magic wand of her uncle, Math. They were possibly the sons of Gwydyon, Aranrhod's own brother.
Gwydyon was responsible for Lleu's upbringing and education. For some unknown reason, she tried to kill Lleu. She placed a series of taboos (curses) or geis on him, preventing from having a human wife. Gwydyon, with the help of his uncle (King Math) taking pity on Lleu, created a woman made out of flowers. This flower-woman was called Blodeuedd.
However the marriage did not last long because Blodeuedd fell in love with Goronwy the Staunch, lord of Penllyn, when Lleu was absent one day. Together they plotted to kill Lleu. Though they could not kill him, Lleu was transformed into an eagle.
Gwydyon found Lleu and transformed Lleu back to human form. Gwydyon transformed Blodeuedd into an owl, who was then called Blodeuwedd. As for Goronwy, Lleu killed him with the same spear he had used on Lleu.
See Math Son of Mathonwy for full story.
Related Information
Lleu Llaw Gyffes ("Lleu of the Dexterous Hand").
Lugh, Lug (Irish).
Lugus (Gallic).
Related Articles
See also Lugh.
Aranrhod, Dylan, Gwydyon.
Math Son of Mathonwy (Mabinogion).
Genealogy: House of Don and House of Llyr.

By Jimmy Joe