Minor Greek Deities
This page provides a description of some of the minor Greek deities. The minor deities are grouped into five categories. These categories are – Sky Deities; Earth Deities; Water and Sea Deities; Other Deities; and Personifications.
Sky Deities
Sky deities were gods and goddesses of the light, sun, moon and winds. They were deities that controlled the celestial bodies and the weather. There were many sun gods and moon goddesses in Greek myths. Hyperion, Helius, Apollo and Phanes were listed as sun gods, while there were even more moon goddesses such Phoebe, Artemis, Selene, Hecate, Nemesis, Eurynome, and even a few mortals like Britomartis (later Dictynna) and Pasiphae.
Note that Hyperion and Phoebe can be found on the Titans page, while Apollo and Artemis are on the Olympians page.
Water and Sea Deities
This category lists the water deities including those of the sea, the river and the lake. Since there are so many water deities, I have listed only the important ones.
For Dione, see Titans, Dione.
Earth Deities
The earth deities are associated with the land, fertility, and agriculture. Demeter can be considered as one of the more important goddesses.
I wasn't sure where to put the goddess Hecate. She has many different roles (attributes), and some of her roles included being a moon-goddess, an earth-goddess and a goddess of the Underworld. Similarly, Persephone was the goddess of spring (season) and flowers, but she was also the queen of the Underworld. Because of their dual roles, I have included links for them in this section.
For Demeter, Dionysus and Zagreus, see the Olympians. For Persephone and Hecate, see House of Hades. For Cybele, see Mother Goddesses. For Mistress of Wild Animals or Potnia Theron, see Olympians, Artemis and Mother Goddesses, Mistress.
Related page
Other Deities
Under this category, you will find most of the rest of the deities of various attributes. Many of these gods and goddesses have to do with human intellect and emotion, fate, beauty, youth and the list goes on.
Also, there are a few deities of healing and magic. There are also deities to do with culture and society, such as art, science, law and punishment. Many of these deities were nothing more than abstract personifications.
These deities were mere personifications of nature or of abstract forces such as fear, folly, etc.
Related Pages
Fact and Figures: Astronomy
Genealogy: Greek Deities

By Jimmy Joe